I took this phrase from the Steam railway article this month about the fight to save Ashburton station from the developers. I hope we have played some small part in helping the campaign to ‘step up a gear’, as SR mag describes what is happening but it is all excellent news.
It seems that not only have the Dartmoor Park Authority been inundated with objections but the SDR Trust chairman Alan Taylor has come on board and expressed his support for the Friends of Ashburton Station.
At a stroke, this brings together both the aims that members of this site have expressed, namely that a) the station be saved as an important heritage building in its own right but further that b) the ‘long term aim of reinstating the railway from Buckfastleigh is now back on the agenda.
We now have it in our hands to show the Authority how much this station means to us and how much better the Ashburton area will be served by having a railway than yet another yawningly dull ‘mixed use development’
This Friday: 12th December is the deadline for submissions to the Authority so please take a moment to register your objection in as uncompromising tones as seem appropriate to you. We put together a sample letter a little while ago that might be useful for you to use as a basis for your own thoughts on the subject.
Email your letter to forwardplanning@dartmoor.gov.uk.
Don’t delay: do it today!
Thank you for your fantastic support.

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