
Join the ‘Everything GWR’ community – Only £3.99 a Year!

As a member of the Everything GWR community, you help us make a contribution to the preservation of the GWR in all its forms.  In particular, we spend your money making films on GWR related topics that we do not think you will find anywhere else.

We seek to be the most comprehensive place for everything and anything related to the GWR since its founding in 1835.  We also try to report everything that is happening on the GWR network, both here and on our very active Facebook page.

Every year we make the ‘Engine of the Year’ Award to the GWR and WR locomotive that has been voted for by our supporters.

We also support a number of projects and campaign related to sustaining the memory and heritage of the GWR and we film activities and events on our heritage railways and the mainline.  We report on restorations and all sorts of other things that we hold dear.

We want you to be a part of this and to help us fund this growing range of activities. 

By joining, you will automatically receive early notifications of new items and activities as they appear on the website, as well as any special offers and products that we have developed.

For just £3.99 a year (less than the price of a pint, as they say!) you will also gain access to our HD quality videos as they become available. These videos will not be appearing on Youtube or anywhere else and will expand to become an on-going HD record of the GWR as it is today.

Click on the Paypal button to activate your subscription – £3.99 per year.


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