N.B. This page is in the process of being redesigned!
We intend to build a growing photographic and information record of closed GWR lines and stations and provide links to useful articles and other web resources. We welcome contributions from anyone who comes across and has photos of demolished remnants of the GWR.
A great way of experiencing old railways is by walking. Try the Railway Ramblers!
New Link: Forest of Dean: an interesting collection of old photos from that area.
Click on the link to go to web based resources:
Line |
Station or Feature |
Description |
Kingsbridge Branch | Private, restored station with interesting historical views, stories, anecdotes and modern photos | |
Exe Valley Railway | This is now the home of the Devon Railway Centre, a 2” gauge railway on the site. It has the largest collection of narrow gauge stock in the south West and a number of standard gauge carriages that stand in the restored station platform. Well worth a visit. | |
Bristol to Radstock | Slideshow | Interesting series of views of what remains of this GWR branch |