GWR Model Manufacturers

On this page I shall be adding links to suppliers of fine GWR models in various scales.

Just Like the Real Thing. Pete Waterman’s company that makes marvellous models of many GWR locomotives, carriages, wagons and all sorts of other items.  A link here to his Leamington Spa O Gauge Layout

Lionheart Trains. This company makes a small but growing range of brilliant O Gauge brass models. The first locomotive model is of a variety of styles and liveries for 64xx and 74xx panniers. There is an auto coach to go with the 64xx and a variety of wagons, including excellent 16T mineral wagons. They are not cheap models but having bought a 74xx complete with DCC sound, recorded on the real 6435 on the West Somerset Railway, I can vouch for their superb quality and robustness, together with fabulous sound effects that really make the engine come alive. Next is a 45xx prairie which will be even better.  Worth saving up for!

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