Dear Dan Janota
I write as a member of the EverythingGWR web community, an on-line group committed to conserving for future generations as much of the heritage of the Great Western Railway as possible.
There has been considerable concern expressed on our very active Facebook page regarding reports that the station site at Ashburton may be lost to insensitive and inappropriate redevelopment.
We would draw your attention to the obligation of the Dartmoor National Park Authority to conserve its heritage for the enjoyment and education of future generations and we would argue that it has a duty to recognise the heritage of the site as more of a priority than it has in the current plans.
This is a site of considerable heritage and historical importance and we believe that, as such, its integrity should be preserved so that its heritage value may one day be exploited.
We note with concern that that there has, as yet, been no firm commitment to retaining former railway buildings and infrastructure as a condition of development on the site. We understand that the Goods Shed is Grade 2 listed and we have a member who has just submitted a proposal for similarly listing the actual station building and we welcome this.
We would, though, wish to go further and seek to ensure that the whatever remains of the actual station site, its artefacts and approaches should be safeguarded so that future use of it for rail purposes might remain a possibility. We are, therefore also strongly opposed to any building whatsoever on the track bed that may render impossible the eventual reconnection of rail services with the South Devon Railway.
We would urge the DNPA to open discussions with the SDR to examine whether a project to return the railway to Ashburton might become a strategic objective for the area.
We would be pleased if you could keep us informed of progress on this topic, including details of any public meetings as may be held.
Yours sincerely

Dear Sir/Madam
I am glad that the old station buildings in Ashburton have become available for preservation. Hopefully this will go ahead in due course with the backing of the Dartmoor and Local Authorities. Perhaps they will take notice of how North Devon and Exmoor have already realised what a boon a preserved railways can be to the community. This railway should bring visitors, some without cars and the inherent parking demands to spend good money in the town. Ashburton terminus is a historic icon, of which I believe there is no other example. Perhaps in time the adjacent mills might become a draw and employer. Rejoining the line to Buckfastleigh is not impossible, it will just take time money and patience, the rewards well worth while. Steve Randall