Holding a ‘GWR Engine of the Year’ Poll was a bit of a spur of the moment whim but it has been quite interesting, nonetheless, as well as fun to do. I wouldn’t dare to suggest that it is representative in any real demographic sense. It was a bit random who appeared on the final […]
What has been the Best GWR Engine of 2012
To many, the Castle class rather than the Kings were the epitome of the GWR. Aesthetically, they were easier on the eye and in better proportion than the Kings which, while they exuded strength and presence, were a bit too muscular in appearance in comparison with the Castles – the thoroughbred racehorses of the railway. […]
I hope you like the 2 new videos that we have uploaded. Both have been filmed on my new Canon XF105 cameras which, I have to say, is utterly fabulous – the quality of recording is truly astonishing. I have also taken the high board plunge into video editing which is a steep learning curve […]
We are really pleased to be able to announce that our first film about a GWR related topic is about to become available here and on Youtube. It will be an interview at Didcot with Mike Cooper, who is the Project Manager of the 1014 County of Glamorgan project and he takes us through the […]
It may not be connected to the existing Glos Warks Railway operational line but news that the 4 road GWR shed at the derelict Malvern Road station in Cheltenham is under threat is causing a few ripples round the railway. The station closed in 1966 and the shed at the same time and since then […]
On our Facebook page, I have just uploaded some photos that show very graphically the arbitrariness of fate when you are a GWR heavy freight locomotive. If you are 2807, you were built in October 1905, which most likely makes you a Libran, and you are famous for pulling the longest goods train ever recorded. […]
Yesterday I experienced my first, albeit very minor, blowback as a trainee fireman. I was on 2807, steaming well and nearly blowing off on the long downhill section from Gotherington to Cheltenham so I had opened the firehole doors anticipating that the driver was about to shut off. He did and applied the brake at […]
Railway enthusiasts are so used to being starved of good news stories from central government that we tend to just welcome everything that happens on the basis that it is a ‘good thing’ because it takes investment from the roads. My question is: do we always want these big, sexy high profile investments if they […]
I paid a visit to Barry at the weekend as part of the group that has almost closed the deal that will bring the last Black 5 there to the GWSR at Toddington for what we hope will be a fairly fast restoration. Yes, I know it’s not a GWR engine but I can, at […]