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Our Video projects

I hope you like the 2 new videos that we have uploaded. Both have been filmed on my new Canon XF105 cameras which, I have to say, is utterly fabulous – the quality of recording is truly astonishing. I have also taken the high board plunge into video editing which is a steep learning curve if ever I climbed one (sorry about the mixed metaphors there!) After all manner of software and hardware issues, I have now got to grips with the basics of this art and the first results are, I hope tolerable in terms of quality and also interesting in terms of content. Please send us your feedback and comments. It will spur us on no end!

We like to think that we can assist all sorts of GWR based projects by publicising them through our films. The films cost the projects nothing and they get the DVD to use as they wish. Hopefully it will result in some benefit in terms of donations or new volunteers on their teams. Some of the films will also be available to you free either here on the website or on Youtube. Others, though, will be available for a small national subscription – more about this later. Either way, our main hope is that we are supporting the development of the heritage of the Great Western Railway so that it endures for centuries to come.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

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