I am quite amazed by the success of Everything GWR. When I set it up, I was just indulging my own almost obsessive love of the Great Western Railway. I was just having fun with it but it seems to have just grown…
I am daily astonished to find that we have hundreds of visitors to the website, that people buy books and presents via the Amazon page, that people write in, make comments and ask if they can have their particular interest represented. Over on the Facebook page, spirited debate and sharing takes place every day on all sorts of matters related to the GWR.
What am I most pleased about? That has to be the success of the ‘Engine of the Year’ Award. When the first one of these was presented in 2012 to Brian Thompson, owner of 3650 at Didcot, he said he felt honoured and since then, both the D1015 crew and representatives of ex GWR No 3, Sir Haydn, have also seemed very pleased to receive their award.
In my turn, I just feel quietly satisfied that I had helped make a group of preservationists feel that their efforts have been appreciated by the wider GWR community and, indeed, Everything GWR now feels like a proper community.
What would I like to do better? Raise money for projects, that’s what and that is why we need some money! You can still donate to our existing sponsored projects but we would like to do more and try to really make a bigger difference in the preservation world.
This autumn, we are relaunching our Everything GWR Membership Scheme, which is now only £3.99 a Year. This is so that we can afford to fund new video projects, sponsor some new preservation projects and try to raise money to promote more events and activities.
Please support us as we enter this new and exciting period by going to the Membership Page and joining.

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