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5028 Llantilio Castle – an ‘unsung’ Castle

Portrait oif 5028 Llantilio Castle (from the David Hey collection)

Portrait of 5028 Llantilio Castle on shed (from the David Hey collection)

We all know 5029 Nunney Castle, a celebrity engine that we are all looking forward to seeing on the mainline again this year.

But how many of us know much about the engine that came before it in the sequence: 5028 Llantilio Castle? Relatively unknown and in the shadow of its surviving sister, 5028 became an early victim of the scrapper’s torch following an accident on 16th December 1959 near Plymouth where she suffered what looks to be relatively mild damage to the buffer beam after colliding with a diesel at Devonport Junction. In 1960, though, when the reduction in the steam stock was beginning in earnest, that damage was sufficient excuse to justify scrapping at Swindon and soon, 5028′s boiler was all that remained, being recycled onto 4085 Berkeley Castle.

And so, Llantilio Castle descended into obscurity. Or, in one of Jeremy Clarkson’s phrases… ‘until now’. 5028 was Paul Tomlinson’s favourite engine and a regular around Newton Abbot and Laira for most of its life. He got in touch with Everything GWR this week and sent me the link to his wonderfully interesting website: www.llantiliocastle.co.uk which is dedicated to the locomotive and I have no hesitation in recommending that you have a look.

10 years in the making, it is a real labour of love and a real example of the passion that drives our love of the GWR. It is a fascinating portrait over 50 pages long, with 90 photos, video and audio clips, newspaper cuttings and excellent detailed information about the engine.

Please have a look and enjoy!

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2 Responses to “5028 Llantilio Castle – an ‘unsung’ Castle”

  1. From 7/49 to 5/51 engine 5028 ran with tender 2425. This tender is preserved and ‘belongs’ to 6024 King Edward I. Both engine and tender are currently being overhauled.

    Posted by Don Evans | March 15, 2014, 10:18 am
  2. Do you know how the overhaul of 6024 is progressing, Don?

    Posted by howard | March 15, 2014, 11:02 am

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