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New GWR Stars for 2014

Both 6412 and 6430 expected to steam again this year

Both 6412 and 6430 expected to steam again this year

12 GWR locos should be making an appearance in 2014, if you believe Steam Railway magazine – 3 panniers, 3 prairies, 2 Manors and 2 consecutively numbered Modified Halls in addition to popular saddle tank No 813 and Jeremy Hosking’s 2-8-0T No 4270.

What is interesting is that, apart from 4270 and 6989, none of the returners are Barry wrecks, but coming back into service after 10 year overhauls.

Even so, anyone familiar with announcements of steaming dates knows how easy it is for delays to occur. Even if you have all the money on the bank, a great team in action, the boiler back home and only need to put all the bits back together, the time scale until that first fire is lit can still drag on.

So, with that in mind, place your bets on a return to steam within the 2014 season of the following:

813 – expected back in steam on the SVR mid year
4270 – at the stage of final completion of pipework at Toddington on the GWSR. A sure-fire bet!
4144 – Under overhaul at Didcot.
5199 – boiler is ready for its hydraulic test but a lot of reassembling left to do. Don’t hold your breath!
5541 – mechanically complete and ready for painting for an Easter launch
6412 – under restoration at Buckfastleigh but they seem very confident!
6430 – no up to date info on the Llangollen website.
6989 – the group say they are entering the final straight with hydraulic test due any time now
6990 – the boiler gets back from Tyseley in July so will it make it into steam this year?
7802 – its all about reassembly at Bridgnorth now.
7820 – Nearly ready now and will hopefully arrive at Toddington in time for the March Race Day specials
9682 – no update from its owners at Southall but I bet the Chinnor Railway cant get this pannier back soon enough!

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One Response to “New GWR Stars for 2014”

  1. 4270 is back and running at the Glos Warwick railways Gala

    Posted by Peter Bennett | May 25, 2014, 10:29 pm

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