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Everything GWR Engine of the Year Poll 2013

Welcome to the Everything GWR Engine of the Year Poll for 2013!

3650. GWR Engine of the Year Award, 2012

3650. GWR Engine of the Year Award winner, 2012

Last year, against all the odds, the common pannier triumphed over more glamorous competitors as Didcot’s lovely 1930s GWR livery 3650 was judged the winner for its performances helping out railways like the SVR and Bluebell.

This year it will be equally interesting. Several nominees have just seen their 10 year boiler certificates expire after putting in fabulous service in their respective railways.  Others have been away from home as GWR ambassadors or are mainline performers that show other more disadvantaged parts of the country how special the GWR is.

The decision on the final short list was tricky. In the end I made the decision on the basis of the case being made for that particular engine by its proposer on the Facebook page. There is an ‘Other’ category where you can vote for another loco, if you wish.

The Poll will be open for most of December or until there is a clear winner.

When the winner is declared I will  contact the owners of the winning engine to arrange the presentation of their commemoration plaque.  Good Luck to you all.

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8 Responses to “Everything GWR Engine of the Year Poll 2013”

  1. I am glad that 7903 “Foremarke Hall” has been listed as a contender. I was lucky enough to be at GWSR’s gala when 7903 debuted after running in at the Swindon and Cricklade Railway. She became like a good friend to me, a lowly cleaner who occasionally fired her when I was asked. Her characteristic waffled chuff from a her chimney that is ever so slightly out of alignment to her blast pipe and the time a guard in a passing train remarked “I always knew they were clockwork powered” as I say in her smoke box cleaning out, will always be find memories to me. I look forward to seeing her when her overhaul is complete, and hope to see her before she retires for overhaul this year. Long live 7903 “Foremarke Hall”, and what she represents, the Great Western Railway :D

    Posted by Stephen Lear | November 26, 2013, 3:35 pm
  2. That’s how I feel about Foremarke,too, Stephen. I have fired her a number of times as a trainee fireman which was great and she has been very kind to me in the process! There is a very short bit of video of her running round at Laverton I took the other day on the everythingGWR Youtube channel

    Posted by howard | November 26, 2013, 9:23 pm
  3. I voted “other”, but it’s a very difficult decision to make. 5542 was my choice, not just the “Planet’s favourite prairie” but MY “SWEET SIXTEEN” (5+5+4+2). Lovely loco’.

    Posted by Derek Smith | November 27, 2013, 7:51 pm
  4. I voted Earl of Mout Edgcumbe as it is one of the best mainline steam engines ever originally bought as spares for other tyseley castle and overhauled in 2008 it has set records people thought it couldn’t and can beat an A4 to york. As on a railtour in 2010 he arrived 10 minutes ahead at york and Sir Nigel was 30 down and kept outside, also since being on the mainline it has an impecible reliability record and even covering for failed engines on tour.

    Posted by Peter Denning | November 28, 2013, 2:59 pm
  5. I wud love to see 5164 in this poll it’s has been an amazing loco for 10 years even in its 6months boiler extension it’s still going strong

    Posted by Gary Williams | November 28, 2013, 7:31 pm
  6. 6023 for her running on the GCR was great and this loco should get it because she is a great work horse and I worked on when she was being renamed as 6015 and fired her and what an iconic steam locomotive for the Great Western Railway.

    Posted by Nathaniel Parker | November 29, 2013, 7:22 am
  7. Ive voted other
    I believe the “other” vote should go for a loco that has preformed faultlessly since entering service and has been a main stay of running for past 5years is 5322 at Didcot Railway Centre
    Its a fantastic loco and it keeps doing a great job and its been a few places now and has few more to go to!

    I know a Didcot loco won last year and I forgot to nomiate this loco but I think it should bea winner and if people read this comment and agree the VOTE OTHER and list 5322!
    Also a vote in its favour….its the sole surivor of a great class!

    Posted by M Werrll | November 29, 2013, 10:26 am

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