The projects below have been chosen as a result of suggestions and comments made by Everything GWR supporters on Facebook, Twitter and the website. There may be others that you wish to propose instead. If so, please add them in the comments box at the bottom where it says ‘Others’. When we have a clear […]
Far too long ago, I sat on the driver’s seat of Burton Agnes Hall in the dock siding at Totnes. 6998 was there with 1363 and they later worked up from the south west under their own steam to become some of the earliest arrivals at Didcot. I sat there and imagined how it must […]
We seem to be in a sort of new-build mania. The list of lost locomotives that have some sort of following for building a replica of them seems to be growing rather than slowing down. Is this just a late charge by us old chaps who remember steam days and want to relive those moments […]
News that the 77021 Locomotive group is intending to build a brand new Standard Class 3 77xxx 2-6-0 is interesting. OK, these engines do not have the beauty of a GWR thoroughbred and they might not be every GWR fan’s cup of tea – not a lot of copper work and no safety valve bonnet […]