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The first Everything GWR Appeal Fund

2999 Lady of Legend, GWR, Saint class, Didcot

Should we help the Lady of Legend?

We have been thinking for a while that we should put our (and your!) money where our talk is.  There are lots of GWR themed preservation and restoration activities going on all around us and we talk a lot about what can and should be done to keep our heritage alive.  Perhaps it is a good time this autumn to try to raise some money for one of these projects.

The problem is that we are very much spoilt for choice so which one do we choose? We are going to need some guidance from you, our members and supporters, on this.  Some projects are well known, well supported and glamorous, like the new build projects at Didcot and elsewhere; others are less well funded, attract less attention but important to GWR heritage nonetheless.

Our instinct is to support something that may not be getting its fair share of the limelight – 6989 Wightwick Hall or the 72xx at Quainton Road or the Pontypool and Blaenavon Pannier No 9629.  Or a plan to restore a building or other piece of our GWR heritage.  Or a bridge on the way to Broadway!

Either way, it would be nice to set up a fund on one of our pages with a Paypal button and see how much we can raise by, say, this Xmas.  If it worked, we could widen it to other projects.

The only criteria is that it must be something that enhances the living heritage of the GWR in some way.

So, please send us some suggestions via Facebook or Twitter or by commenting on this site. After a while, we will put the top 10 suggestions into a Poll so that we can vote on which one to choose.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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