We have been thinking for a while that we should put our (and your!) money where our talk is. There are lots of GWR themed preservation and restoration activities going on all around us and we talk a lot about what can and should be done to keep our heritage alive. Perhaps it is a […]
Preserving our railway heritage has always required (at least) two things: the refusal to accept ‘can’t-be-done’ as an answer to an idea and the ability to have the bloody-minded, tenacious patience to get down and get it done. There are lots of ‘can’t-be-dones’, no-hope projects that no sane person would ever give a second thought […]
The end was in 1964/5. I should know: I have the last Ian Allan Combined Volume that had WR steam in it. I had moved to Dorset from Keynsham in 1962 and before I went, I had seen the last remnants of steam followed by the invasion of the Warships. As a child I was […]