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Dean Goods restoration to steam – a chink of light?

GWR Dean Goods 0-6-0 No 2473

From the past or the future? A Dean Goods on a pick-up freight

Anyone who says that the NRM are unresponsive to enthusiast opinion should look at the National Preservation website discussion about whether Dean Goods 2516 should steam again!

I don’t know if we have been instrumental in getting this idea to spread – I like to think so – but the topic has made the latest editions of both Steam Railway and Heritage Railway magazines, it then finds an airing on the NP site and, almost immediately elicits a not-entirely-unfavourable response from…, yes, Anthony Coulis of the NRM!

Could any public official be quicker off the mark than this?  I doubt it very much. It is wonderfully responsive and listen to what he says in reply to the enthusiasts:

First: “A lot of interest – but not just yet….  And then: As I said, interest noted, but don’t expect it any time soon. There are many who think the same. Give us time. Lots of it. And some cash would really help too ;-)”   (so, how deep are those pockets?)

I am not keen on the phrase ‘any time soon’ but it is an amazing reaction that recognises the passion and imagination of the GWR community for this engine and it certainly opens the door for a chat about it!

However, and, at my age I don’t care much about appearing to want to have my cake and eat it, but 2516, 3440, 2999, and 4003 in steam together? I mean, phew, I could die happy if I ever saw that line-up in 1906 livery!  I can dream, can’t I?

NRM: we would love you forever (and completely forget all about those, er, Apple Green troubles!!!)

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2 Responses to “Dean Goods restoration to steam – a chink of light?”

  1. Its good to know that the NRM is prepared to let the Dean Goods to be steamed again, but it sounds like they are saying if you can come up with the money.
    When Green Arrow and the Super D were steam they were both preserved privately.
    The magazine Steam Railway has had appeals in the past for Oliver Cromwell and the GCR 01, so without these appeals these locos wouldn’t be running.
    So looking at the past record for the NRM it seems like if you could start an appeal you may just get it running.
    Also if you could get a preserved line on side someone like the Glos Warks and also get the magazines on side you may just be able to get this loco running again

    Posted by Amy Adams | March 7, 2013, 12:16 pm
  2. Thanks, Amy. Let’s see how much of a groundswell of opinion we can create for this.

    I think the Glos Warks would be well placed to do the work. They are already well on the way to getting the NRM’s 4F 44027 back into steam and the NRM seem happy with progress. And, I guess, all inside cylinder 0-6-0s are probably pretty similar!

    Posted by Howard | March 7, 2013, 8:02 pm

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