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Should Truro steam again – take our survey now!

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4 Responses to “Should Truro steam again – take our survey now!”

    • “Truro” was treated badly by a number of heritage railways, ending up with a boiler failure in 2011 while on the Bodmin & Wenford (Not their fault – the engine had arrived at the line with known boiler defects.) Unill the treatment of “our” engines out on loan can be proved as sound, by people who have been proved to have the skill and knowledge to look after these wonderful machines, they should not be loaned to anyone with half a clue, let alone restored to steam, just for the sake of returning them to steam. There are plenty of other engines to re-learn these skills on first.

      Posted by Paul Sandles | February 25, 2013, 2:50 pm
  1. Truro has been a stalwart for the GWR for well over 20 years, so perhaps its time for a change.
    During the GWR150 everyone presumed it would never steam again and not long after it was out of Swindon and being restored on the Severn Valley.
    After Truro was released the others were left behind so perhaps it’s time to get Lode Star or the Dean goods running again.
    The boiler certificate is only for 10 years so if we do one of the others then run it for 10 years Truro would then be ideal fo steaming for the next generation

    Posted by Amy Adams | March 17, 2013, 12:13 pm

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