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Happy Birthday, Great Western Echo!

The Great Western Echo

I have just received my copy of the 200th Great Western Echo, the magazine of the Great Western Society. They are 50 years old, having produced the first two newsletters in Sept 1962 and Jan 1963.  According to Steam Railway, it is the “longest running journal continuously produced by a voluntary railway organisation” except for those from before the Second World War.  (I do wonder if this is true, though: what about the Ravenglass & Eskdale, Talyllyn, Ffestiniog and Bluebell Railways – did they have a magazine before this?  I am sure someone will let me know…).

It is, nonetheless, a marvellous achievement. It has always been really well produced and today it is  in full colour throughout with big, bold photographs.  Much more attractively laid out than many society journals I see, it is A4 in format and always a delight to receive and read.  Long may it continue!

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