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Heritage News

Rolling Back Beeching – the Helston branch stirs

It is continually and truly marvellous how this heritage railway movement continues to give birth to new schemes that bring back to life those corners of the GWR that Dr Beeching thought he had killed off.

The latest of these is the Helston Railway, which used to run for 8 miles from its mainline junction at Gwinear Road, through Nancegollen and Praze to the terminus on the coast at helston.  You can’t imagine that it would close now if it had survived Dr Beeching’s unkind attentions in the 1960s but it is making a welcome comeback.

View the video of the first train to move on the Helston branch since 4th october 1964 and you can have a look at their nicely put together website here.  Must go down and have a look in the spring.

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