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Heritage News

Gotherington Loop opens for Santa

On Sunday 4th December, Gotherington signal box on the GWSR reopened and signalled trains in and out for the first time simce 1949. A Santa train pulled by 2807 was the first train into the new loop and and 45160 passed it going in the opposite direction, the first time this has happened at this location since 1976 when the line closed.

So, a satisfying nice correction to history being made and congratulations are due to the whole GWSR for its tenacity. With two land slips occurring in quick succession, the railway was close to despair 12 months ago but everyone has pulled together to run 2 separate pretty successful services during 2011, one based at Winchcombe and the other at Toddington.

On the northern section, work continues on the march to Broadway. the southern pointwork at Laverton is due to be completed this winter so that the S&T Dept can start installing signalling and the task of rebuilding Broadway station, with its own enthusiastic group of workers, moves ahead, platform brick by platform brick.

The landslip at Chicken Curve remains though, and the GWSR still urgently needs around £400,000 to restore the embankment north of Winchcombe station.  To donate, please got to the GWSR website, where you can see pics of the new loop at Gotherington, donate to the slip fund and see progress at Broadway.

It shows how much can be achieved by a volunteer run railway!



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