Early Spring, from a railway point of view is not so much about crocuses and daffodils (even though lots of our beautiful heritage railways have loads of both!) as it is about blokes in overalls and woolly hats beavering away inside gloomy draughty sheds. Engines and carriages have been dismantled, lumps of metal have been […]
Didcot Railway Centre’s Facebook page reminds me that F. W Hawksworth, were he alive today, would be 127. Born in 1884, he was the last Chief Mechanical Engineer of the GWR before it was swallowed by British Railways in 1948. To many people he was at least a little bit dodgy in terms of his […]
It’s funny how the energy shifts in groups and organisations just as much as it does in people. I’ve just been reading about the ups and downs of Manchester United over the years and the same wave motion seems to affect all groups. My wife is an astrologer and she will tell you that the […]
Time for a bit of philosophy. When does a locomotive exist and when does it cease to exist? In the case of big prairie No 4115, together with 2-8-0′s No 5227 and 2861, it’s not entirely clear. All 3 are now defined as ‘donor locomotives’ for the new-build Churchward 2-8-0 ‘Night Owl’ No 4709 and, […]